Idling Action London is a London-wide behaviour change campaign which is helping to reduce localised air pollution caused by motorists leaving their engines running when parked.
The project involves 21 local authorities and is jointly led by London Borough of Camden and London Borough of Hounslow. Until 31st March 2027, teams of volunteers, local authority officers and project staff delivered idling action events to educate both motorists and pedestrians. We also delivered school workshops, engaged with businesses, offered vehicle fleet training, and worked with all local authorities to ensure idling regulations are enforced across London. The work was funded by the Mayor of London through the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund.
The project encourages and welcomes all London boroughs to work together to tackle idling across London.
Encouraging drivers to switch off
Encouraging people to switch off by educating them about the health impacts of air pollution, and explaining why it is good to switch your engine off, are simple ways to instantly reduce vehicle emissions in London.