Businesses and Fleets
Idling exposes people to toxic engine emissions. These emissions are linked to chronic health conditions and 4,000 deaths in London each year.
The issue
Tackling idling is an easy and effective way to improve local air quality and reduce the exposure of fleet drivers and outdoor workers to health-damaging air pollution.
Mike Robinson, Chief Executive at the British Safety Council, commented: “Air pollution is the UK’s largest environmental health risk, greater than smoking and obesity, causing 40,000 deaths a year and costing the UK economy a staggering £20bn annually. Indeed, the links between air pollution and illness are increasing. We need concrete action to reduce air pollution and tackling engine idling is a vital part of that. We urge organisations whose operations involve fleets, professional drivers, or employees who travel by car to work in London, to educate and encourage their drivers to act on idling. This will help save lives and protect outdoor workers from toxic air.”
The solution
Idling Action’s Fleet and Business campaign is specifically asking fleet operators and businesses to pledge to act on idling in order to cut dangerous vehicle emissions and help protect the respiratory health of Londoners.
Through this campaign, organisations are supported to pledge a meaningful commitment to reduce air pollution from engine idling, using free educational resources to engage drivers/ employees, to publicise their commitment and to demonstrate best practice to others.
As part of the #EnginesOff pledge, Idling Action provides free driver education materials and a toolkit of resources to businesses
How to get involved
Engines off toolkit
You can support our campaign by utilising our free resources in any or all of the following ways:
Educate your drivers using our education materials
Implement supporting policies by using our template engine idling and template green vehicle procurement and management policies
Promote the campaign and share your support by using our communications resources
Take part in an Idling Action event – we can help you arrange a day of direct action utilising volunteers to head out and speak directly to idling vehicles around your site